Curtis MP3 Player MPK4099UK User Manual

User Manual - MPK4099UK  
Buttons location and usages  
Basic Operation  
Intro ……………………………………………………….3 - 7  
Operation of Music Mode …………………..…………8 - 12  
Operation of Video Mode ……………………..…………..13  
Operation of Pictures Mode……………………………….14  
Operation of FM radio………………………………..15 - 16  
Operation of Camera………………………………………17  
Operation of Video Recorder……………………………..18  
Operation of Others…………………………………..19 - 22  
Technical Specification  
Trouble Shooting  
Buttons location and usages  
(1) Power Button  
(2) Display Screen  
(3) M Button  
(4) Next Button  
(5) Play/ Pause Button  
(6) On/ Off Button  
(7) Previous Button  
(8) USB Port  
(9) Microphone  
(10) Earphone Jack  
(11) Camera Lens  
Software Utilities Installation  
Insert the CD into the CD ROM Drive of your PC. Click  
Setup.exe to start driver installation. Follow the  
on-screen-menu to complete the installation.  
Click Close once you reach the Installation Complete  
For Window 98/98SE users, please install the driver in the  
CD-ROM before downloading any files to your player  
Connect & Charge  
Your player will be charged  
while being connected to PC  
through the USB cable.  
! You will see the charging  
animation in the bottom right  
hand corner of the display. The  
player is fully charged when the  
charging animation stops.  
(Switch on the player when  
Step 1:  
Set the Online Device of the  
player as USB Disk (Refer to  
Page 6), then connect it to your  
PC by USB cable. Once the  
connection is successfully  
made, the above screen display  
would be shown. Try  
re-connecting the player if the  
above screen doesn’t appear.  
Step 2:  
The above screen would appear.  
(Apply only to Window XP)  
Choose Take no action and  
click OK to close the window.  
Double click My Computer on  
your desktop and the above  
window would appear. Look for  
the Removable Disk Icon.  
Double click the Removable  
Disk icon. Note: Do not  
disconnect the USB cable once  
you click into the removable  
disk window. Such action may  
cause data loss or problems to  
the player.  
Drag and drop your media files into the removable disk.  
You can create any folder or directory in the removable  
disk. Close the removable disk window and disconnect the  
player from your PC after the data transfer.  
Software Operation  
Video Converter  
You can convert your fovourite video file in any other  
format into the .AVI format with the help of the AVI  
converter. The converting progress is shown.  
Media Manager  
You can enjoy songs from both PC and your player thru  
the Media manager.  
Basic Operation  
Power on/off and Lock  
Switch on the Power button on the top and hold ON/OFF  
button to switch on the device.  
Main interface  
Once your switch the player on you’ll reach to the main  
interface as below..  
Operation of Music Mode  
Press Previous/ Next button to select “Music” and press  
Play/ Pause button to enter the page. Once you’ve  
entered the music mode, the following screen would show  
Now Playing  
Press Previous/ Next button to  
select Now Playing and press  
Play/ Pause button to resume  
playing the current song.  
All Music  
Press Previous/ Next button to  
choose All Music and press  
Play/ Pause button to show  
your library of music. Press  
Previous/ Next button to select  
any particular song and press Play/ Pause to start playing.  
Press Previous/ Next button to select Artist to show all of  
your artists. Press Previous/ Next to choose any  
particular artist to show the songs of that artist. Select  
song and press Play/ Pause to start playing.  
Press Previous/ Next button to select Album to browse  
all of your albums. Press Previous/ Next to choose any  
particular album to browse the songs of that album. Press  
Play/ Pause button after selected any song to start playing.  
Press Previous/ Next button to select Genre to browse all  
genre of your songs. Press Play/Pause button to enter the  
genre that you’ve chosen and press Play/ Pause button to  
start playing the selected song.  
My Music List  
Press Previous/ Next to select My Music List to browse  
all songs that you’ve added to be your playlist. Press  
Previous/ Next button to select desire song list and press  
Play/ Pause button to start playing the selected song.  
Record List  
Press Previous/ Next button to select Record List to  
choose from FM Record or Voice. Press Play/ Pause  
button to start playing the selected file  
Press M to jump back to the main menu.  
Music Player interface  
Whenever you start playing a song you’ll reach the Music  
Player Interface as below.  
Play Music  
Press the Play/ Pause button in  
the middle to start playing, and  
press again to pause.  
Hold Play/ Pause button until  
the volume bar appear at the  
button. Press Previous/ Next  
button to adjust the volume.  
Previous / Next  
Press Next to jump to the next song, and press Previous  
to jump back to the previous song. Hold Previous/ Next  
button to go fast forward or backward  
Play Option  
Hold M button to enter the Play Option Menu. You can set  
your preference in AB Repeat/ Repeat/ Select EQ/ Set  
Sound/ Replay times/ Repeat intervals/ Variable speed/  
Lyric display/ Add to my list/ Delete the file  
AB Repeat  
While playing music, hold M to  
enter the sub-menu. Press  
Previous/ Next to select A-B  
repeat and press Play/ Pause  
to confirm. Press Play/ Pause  
button to set the starting point  
of the A-B Repeat, then press  
Play/ Pause again to set the  
ending point. To cancel A-B  
repeat mode, press Play/  
Pause again.  
Repeat Mode  
Press Previous/ Next to choose Repeat Mode and press  
Play/ Pause to choose from Sequence/ Repeat One/  
Repeat All/ Shuffle/ Shuffle + Repeat. Once you’ve  
selected, press Play/ Pause to confirm and press M to  
return to sub-menu.  
Select EQ  
Press Previous/ Next to choose Select EQ and press  
Play/ Pause button enter the sub-menu and choose  
different EQ from Normal / Rock / Pop / Classic / Soft/  
Jazz / DBB. Once you’ve selected your choice, press  
Play/ Pause to confirm and press M to return to sub-menu.  
Set Sound  
Press Previous/ Next to select Set Sound, press Play/  
Pause to enter User EQ. Hold M to jump to different bar  
and press Previous/ Next button to adjust your own EQ  
Setting. Once you’ve selected, press Play/ Pause to  
confirm and press M to return to sub-menu.  
Replay Times  
Press Previous/ Next to select Repeat Mode and press  
Play/ Pause to choose from 1 times to infinity.  
Repeat Intervals  
Press Previous/ Next to select Repeat Intervals to  
choose from 1 Sec to 7 Sec. Once you’ve selected your  
choice, press Play/ Pause to confirm and return to  
Variable speed  
Press Previous/ Next to select Variable speed to choose  
from - 4 to 4. Once you’ve selected your choice, press  
Play/ Pause to confirm and return to sub-menu.  
Lyric Display  
Press Previous/ Next to select Lyric display and press  
Play/ Pause to enter the page. Choose enable / off and  
press Play/ Pause to display lyrics.  
*The player only supports .LRC lyric.  
Add to MyList  
Press Previous/ Next to select add to my list and press  
Play/ Pause to choose from My Playlist 1 to My Playlist  
5. Once you’ve selected your choice, press Play/ Pause to  
confirm and and press M to return to sub-menu.  
Delete the File  
Press Previous/ Next to select delete file and press Play/  
Pause to enter the page. Once you’ve selected your  
choice, press Play/ Pause to confirm and and return to  
Press M to return to Music mode.  
Operation of Video Mode  
Press Previous/ Next button to select “Movie” and press  
Play/ Pause button to enter video mode. Once you’ve  
entered the video mode, the following screen would show  
Press Previous/ Next button to  
select your desire movie and  
press Play/ Pause button to  
start playing.  
For video recording file, it will  
be saved inside the CAMERA  
Basic Video Control  
Press Previous button to choose previous movie, hold  
Previous to rewind. Press Next button to choose next  
movie, hold Next to fast-forward. Hold Play/ Pause button  
until volume bar appear at the bottom, press Previous/  
Next button to adjust the volume.  
Operation of Pictures Mode  
Press Previous/ Next button to select “Pictures” on the  
main menu and press Play/ Pause to enter the photo  
mode. Once you’ve entered the photo mode.  
Photo Browsing  
Press Previous/ Next to select  
Dir List and browse all photos.  
Press Previous/ Next to select  
a particular photo, and press  
Play/ Pause to open it.  
Menu Style  
Press Previous/ Next to  
choose “play mode” and press  
Play/ Pause to choose List  
mode and Thumbnail.  
Operation of Radio Mode  
Press Previous/ Next to select “Radio” on the main menu  
and press Play/ Pause to enter the radio menu  
Radio Sub-menu  
Hold M to enter the sub-menu and press Previous/ Next  
to choose from FM record/ Record quality/ Record Gain/  
Save Channel/ Auto search/ Station List/ FM Band.  
FM record: Press Previous/ Next to choose FM record  
and press Play/ Pause to confirm. Once you selected the  
option, the player will start recording the radio. Press Play/  
Pause again to pause the recording and hold M to save  
the file.  
Record quality: Press Play/ Pause to enter this option and  
choose from High/ Medium/ Low.  
Record Gain: Press Play/ Pause to choose from 1-7 and  
press Play/ Pause again to confirm.  
Save Channel: Press Previous/ Next to choose save  
channel and press Play/ Pause to confirm. Select a  
channel from CH01-CH30 and press Play/ Pause to save  
the current channel.  
Auto Search: Press Previous/ Next to choose anto search  
and press Play/ Pause to confirm. Press Play/ Pause  
button to start searching the channel and preset channel  
Station List: Press Previous/ Next to choose station list  
and press Play/ Pause to confirm.Press Play/ Pause  
button to browse all preset channel.  
FM Band: Press Previous/ Next to choose FM band and  
press Play/ Pause to enter sub-menu. Choose from  
USA/Japan and press Play/ Pause to confirm and return  
to sub-menu.  
Operation of Camera Mode  
Press Previous/ Next to select “Camera” and press Play/  
Pause button to enter the camera mode.  
Basic Camera Control  
Photo Shooting: Press Play/ Pause button to take photo.  
Zoom in/ out: Press Previous to zoom out and press Next  
to zoom in.  
Camera Sub-menu  
Hold M for 2 second to enter the camera sub-menu  
Save Path: Internal memory  
Resolution: Press Play/ Pause to choose from 320 x 240/  
640 x 480/ 1280 x 960/ 1600 x 1200/ 2048 x 1536  
Self-timer: Press Play/ Pause to choose from off/ 5 Sec/  
10Sec/ 15 Sec/ 20 Sec  
Shutter sound: Press Play/ Pause to choose from Off/  
sound 1/ sound 2/ sound 3  
Date stamp: Press Play/ Pause to choose from Off/ Date/  
Date and Time.  
Press M to return to Camera mode.  
Operation of Video Recorder Mode  
Press Previous/ Next to select “Video Recorder” and  
press Play/ Pause button to enter the recording mode.  
Basic Video recorder Control  
Press Play/ Pause button to record video and press Play/  
Pause again to pause the video recording. Press M during  
the recording to save the file.  
Video Recorder Sub-menu  
Hold M for 2 second to enter the sub-menu  
Save Path: Internal memory  
Resolution: 320 x 240  
Record Quality: Press Play/ Pause to choose from High /  
Medium/ Low/ Auto-adapted.  
Press M to return to Video recorder mode.  
Operation of Others  
Press Previous/ Next button to choose “Other” on the  
main menu to enter the page.  
Operation of Record Mode  
Press Previous/ Next button to select “Recordings” and  
press Play/ Pause to enter the record mode. Once you’ve  
entered the record mode, the following screen would show  
Basic record control  
Press Play/ Pause to start  
recording and press Play/  
Pause again to pause  
recording, Press M to save or  
cancel the recorded file.  
Sub-menu of record  
Hold M to enter the submenu  
and choose from Record  
format/ Record quality/ Record  
Operation of E-book  
Press Previous/ Pause to choose “E-book” and press  
Play/ Pause to enter the e-book menu. Once you’ve  
entered the e-book menu, the following screen would show  
Basic e-book control  
Press Play/ Pause to enter the  
Dir List, and press Previous/  
Next to select .TXT file. When  
opened an e-book file, press  
Previous to go back to  
previous page, and press Next  
to skip to the next page. Hold M  
to enter the E-book sub-menu.  
Tag List:  
Press Previous/ Next to Select “Tag List” and press Play/  
Pause to browse the list.  
E-book Sub-menu  
Skip to: Press Previous/ Next to adjust the percentage  
jumping between pages.  
Auto Play Gap: Press Previous/ Pause to choose from 3  
Sec/ 6 Sec/ 9 Sec/ 12 Sec/ 15 Sec.  
Add Bookmark: Press Play/ Pause to confirm  
Delete the file: Press Previous/ Next to choose OK and  
press Play/ Pause to confirm delete file.  
Operation of Calculator  
Press Previous/ Next to select the digit and function,  
press Play/ Pause to confirm the selection. Press M to  
return to previous menu.  
Operation of Setting Mode  
Press Previous/ Next to select Set up and press Play/  
Pause to enter the Set up menu.  
Date and Time  
Adjust Date: Press Play/ Pause button to enter adjust  
date, hold M to jump to day, month and year and press  
Previous/ Next to set the date. Once you’ve set the date,  
press Play/ Pause to confirm and return to previous menu.  
Adjust Time: Press Play/ Pause button to enter adjust  
time, hold M to select hour and minutes and press  
Previous/ Next to adjust the time.  
Display Setting  
Press Play/ Pause to set blacklight time from off/ 5 Sec/ 10  
Sec/ 20 Sec/ 30 Sec/ 1 Minute/ 5 Minutes  
Power Saving  
Idle Time: Press Previous/ Next to choose from Off/ 10  
Sec/ 30 Sec/ 1 Minute/ 3 Minutes/ 5 Minutes/ 10 Minutes  
and press Play/ Pause to confirm setting.  
Sleep Time: Press Previous/ Next to choose from Off/ 10  
Minutes/ 30 Minutes/ 1 Hour/ 2 Hours/ 3 Hours/ 4 Hours/ 5  
Hours and press Play/ Pause to confirm setting.  
Press Previous/ Next to choose your desired language  
and press Play/ Pause to confirm.  
Advance Info  
Press Previous/ Next to choose from Player Information/  
Format Memory/ Reset.  
Technical Specification  
Flash Memory  
MP3 compressed rate  
128MB – 16GB  
MP3(8 – 320 kbps)  
Video format supported  
Photo format supported  
Digital camera  
0.3 mega pixel  
3.7V Lithium rechargeable  
USB2.0 high speed  
2” Color TFT display  
41(W) * 8(D) * 94(H) mm  
Trouble Shooting  
What should I do if there’s no sound when playing?  
You should check the volume first. If the volume has been  
turned up, maybe the memory format of the device is  

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